Caregivers and medical professionals may have legitimate medical reasons for using chemical restraints, but this should only be as a last resort. When chemical restraints are not properly used or are misused, it may put residents in harm’s way.
If you are concerned about the medication being administered to your love one in a nursing home, we encourage you to speak to a Santa Fe nursing home abuse lawyer. At PKSD, we can answer your questions and help you understand your legal options.
Call today to schedule a free case review: 505-677-7777.
What Are Chemical Restraints in a Nursing Home?
Chemical restraints in nursing homes refer to the use of medications primarily to control a resident’s behavior rather than to treat a specific medical condition. This practice is often compared to physical restraints because it aims to limit a resident’s movement or behavior through medication instead of physical means.
Most commonly, nursing homes use psychotropic medications like antipsychotics, sedatives or anxiety medications as chemical restraints. A facility might give residents Ativan or Haldol, which can cause sedation and drowsiness. Some caregivers or nursing homes may administer these drugs without a proper medical diagnosis to make residents more “manageable.” Without a proper medical diagnosis that requires the use of these powerful drugs, however, using chemical restraints is illegal.
Why Would a Nursing Home Give Chemical Restraints to Residents?
Nursing homes resort to chemical restraints for several reasons. Understanding these motivations can help families pinpoint potential abuse in facilities.
Staff Shortage and Convenience
When nursing homes are understaffed, they might use chemical restraints as a shortcut. Instead of providing proper care and attention, they sedate residents to make them easier to manage. There is a greater likelihood of this happening when there are too few staff members working a shift. Nursing homes that use chemical restraints for this reason are not only engaging in unethical behavior but also violating the law.
Managing Challenging Behaviors
Sometimes, residents with dementia or other conditions may show aggressive or disruptive behaviors. Rather than investigating the root cause of residents’ behaviors like pain, fear or unmet needs, some facilities take the easy route. They medicate residents into submission instead of addressing the underlying issues.
Cost-Cutting Measures
Proper care requires adequate staffing, training and resources. Some nursing homes choose chemical restraints as a cheaper alternative to save on resources. However, this is done at the expense of residents’ well-being. Instead of hiring more staff or providing specialized care, they use medications to control resident behavior.
Lack of Proper Training
Many nursing home staff members are not adequately trained to handle challenging situations. When they do not know how to manage complex behaviors through proper care techniques, they might turn to medication as a quick fix. This happens more often during night shifts when staffing is minimal.
Emergency Situations
There are rare cases when chemical restraints might be legally used, such as genuine emergencies where residents pose an immediate danger to themselves or others. However, these situations require proper documentation, immediate notification of family members and a plan to prevent future incidents.
Covering Up Other Issues
The use of chemical restraints may hide deeper problems within a facility. A sedated resident cannot complain about poor care, neglect or abuse. They are less likely to report concerns or display signs of mistreatment. If a caregiver is intentionally abusive, they may use chemical restraints to conceal their actions.
How Can I Tell If My Loved One Is Being Chemically Restrained?
Spotting chemical restraint abuse in Santa Fe nursing homes requires careful observation. Here are the key warning signs that your loved one might be experiencing chemical restraint abuse.
Sudden Personality Changes
Watch for dramatic shifts in your family member’s behavior. If your loved one is typically alert and engaged and you notice that they suddenly become zombie-like or withdrawn, this could signal chemical restraint use.
Pay attention if they are no longer interested in activities they once enjoyed or seem “out of it” during your visits. They may also appear overly docile or compliant, which could be alarming if they usually have an outgoing or extroverted personality.
Physical Warning Signs
Physical warning signs of chemical restraints often appear as a cluster of concerning symptoms. Your loved one might suddenly experience excessive drowsiness or sleep through most of the day. When they talk, you may notice slurred speech or new communication difficulties. Another physical warning sign is if they frequently droop their heads because they cannot stay awake.
Behavioral Red Flags
You may also notice behavioral red flags. Your loved one might show concerning changes in their daily patterns, such as missing meals because they are too sedated to eat or they may sleep through activities they enjoy.
Some behaviors may even affect your relationship with your loved one. For example, in your interaction with them, they may be unable to participate in family visits or conversations.
What Health Problems Do Chemical Restraints Cause?
Chemical restraints can inflict severe, sometimes permanent, damage on nursing home residents. Here are some of the ways medications can devastate an elderly person’s health when misused.
Physical Health Impacts
Unnecessary sedation leads to dangerous physical problems such as increased fall risk due to dizziness and poor balance. Some residents may also suffer from:
- Muscle weakness and rapid physical decline
- Severe dehydration from reduced fluid intake
- Malnutrition when residents are too sedated to eat
- Dangerous drug interactions with other medications
- Higher risk of pressure sores from prolonged inactivity
Psychological Trauma
The emotional toll is equally as devastating as the physical impact. Residents may feel depressed from having to lose their independence or may experience anxiety about medication times. If they have been taking specific medication for a while, it could cause some residents to feel agitated when medications wear off.
Life-Threatening Complications
Chemical restraints can cause severe medical emergencies, such as heart problems from medication side effects and respiratory complications. Depending on the residents’ health and existing medication dosages, some may have an increased risk of strokes and a higher chance of infections.
Long-Term Effects
Even after stopping chemical restraints, residents may face difficulty regaining physical strength and could have lasting memory problems. Although some residents may be able to recover physically from chemical restraints, they could experience ongoing emotional trauma, such as fear and anxiety.
What Should I Do If I Think My Loved One Is Being Chemically Restrained?
Trust your instincts if something seems wrong. If you suspect chemical restraint abuse in a Santa Fe nursing home, take immediate action to protect your loved one. You have the right to question your loved one’s care and request medication reviews.
If you notice these warning signs, document everything. Write down changes in behavior or alertness. You can also use photos and videos as evidence. Note the dates and times the staff members are working to help you establish a timeline of events related to the abuse.
You can report your concerns to New Mexico Adult Protective Services or file a complaint with the New Mexico Department of Health.
Call PKSD: Your Santa Fe Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys
Chemical restraint abuse can devastate families and rob nursing home residents of their dignity and quality of life. Consult with knowledgeable nursing home abuse attorneys who are familiar with the dangerous practices that exist in some nursing homes.
At PKSD, our experienced legal team understands the complex laws governing the use of chemical restraints in New Mexico nursing homes, and we are committed to holding at-fault parties accountable for their negligent or abusive actions. There are no upfront costs if we represent you. Call today to discuss your situation and learn more about the legal process.
Call our trusted law firm today: 505-677-7777.